160-Million-Year-Old Fossil Shows That Choristodere Reptiles Provided Post-Natal Care For Young

January 26, 2015 in Animals & Insects, Fossils

A recent 160-million-year-old fossil found by a farmer in China represents what is — now — the oldest-record of post-natal parental care in the world, according to new research from

The fossil — which shows an adult Philydrosauras (a type of choristodere) accompanied by six juveniles — dates to the Middle Jurassic, and notably extends back-in-time the date of the earliest known post-natal parental care amongst animals.

Philydrosauras choristodere reptile
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Jellyfish Species — Box Jellyfish, Deepstaria Enigmatica, Praya Dubia, Lion’s Mane Jellyfish, Marrus Orthocanna, Man O’ War, Tima Formosa, Crossota, & Unidentified

January 20, 2015 in Animals & Insects

Jellyfish are some of the most strange, interesting — and occasionally beautiful — animals currently living in the world. And they’ve been here for quite a long time — some species are, in many ways, unchanged from the way that there hundreds of millions of years ago.

Owing to these facts, and — more importantly — their striking appearances I’ve created the list below compiling some of the most interesting species of jellyfish. Enjoy.

Jellyfish bloom ocean

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Mass Die-Offs Amongst Birds, Fishes, & Other Marine Animals, Are Increasing In Frequency, Research Finds

January 19, 2015 in Animals & Insects

Mass mortality events (mass die-offs) are increasing in frequency of occurrence — with regard to fishes, birds, and many other marine animals — according to new research from UC Berkeley’s Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management; the University of San Diego; and Yale University.

The findings are the result of a comprehensive analysis of 727 mass die-offs — of around 2,500 different animal species — that occurred over the past 70-years. According to the findings of this analysis — die-offs amongst bird, fish, and marine invertebrate species, have been increasing in frequency notably over these last 7-decades.

Fish kill mass die-off
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Endangered Primates Species List — Mountain Gorilla, Blue-Eyed Black Lemur, Howler Monkeys, Tarsiers, Gibbons, Tamarins, Etc

January 17, 2015 in Animals & Insects

Amongst all of the animals facing extinction in the world currently, perhaps the most interesting are those that share relatively recent ancestors (and many, many, many behaviors and social patterns…) with us — that is to say, other primates. The greater apes, the lesser apes (gibbons), the monkeys, the baboons, the lemurs, the tarsiers, the bush babies, etc.

The vast majority of these animals (across all of their various families, genera, and species) have seen their numbers plummet in recent years — largely owing to the incredible rates of habitat destruction seen over recent years, via deforestation, desertification, and encroaching human settlements.

Endangered primates now occupy perhaps the most prominant place in the public eye as far as endangered animals. The only other endangered land-animals that are perhaps of similar ‘charisma’ to the primates are the big cats, and/or elephants. (Maybe the rhinos as well?)

Based on current fossil evidence the earliest known primate (Teilhardina) lived around 55.8 million years ago. But other lines of enquiry (along with the general rareness of small-animal fossils from that far back) suggest that primates probably emerged ~85 million years ago, in the mid-Creataceous era — with evidence pointing toward an origin in what would now be considered to be a part of Asia (of course, the land masses of the world back then were connected in very different ways).

90 million years ago

Since that relatively long ago origin in the tropical forests of a very different world, inhabited by very different forms of life, primates have spread out across a great many different environments and ecological niches.

Diversifying into the mountain-living gorillas, the shellfish-smashing Burmese macaques, the tree-sap-loving marmosets, the grass-eating geladas, the war-like chimps, the fishing-by-hand long-tailed macaques, the kills-bush-babies-with-sharpened-spears chimpanzees (they use stone hammers as well), the hot-spring loving snow monkeys (Japanese macaques), the jet-engine-loud howler monkeys, etc, of today.

And, also, into the pack-living (chimpanzees, many monkey species), the crowd/troop living (baboons, geladas), the nuclear-family-like (gorillas), the pair-bonded (gibbons), and the largely solitary (orangutangs/orangutans), social structures seen today.

Many of the species to which these highly-diverse behaviours and ways of living are embodied by are now considered to be endangered — largely owing to human activity over the last few thousand years. And, in particular, over the last few hundred years.

Below I’ve made a list of some of these now endangered animals — providing interesting facts, images, and anecdotes. Enjoy.
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Bili Apes — Giant Lion-Eating Chimp (Chimpanzee) Subspecies

January 11, 2015 in Animals & Insects, Humans

Off in one of the few remaining relatively primeval natural environments of the world — the Bili Forest of the far-northern portion of the Democratic Republic of the Congo — lives a band of very large chimpanzees that possess a number of very strange qualities and behaviors.

The local folk-stories of the surrounding region make note of massive ape-like creatures that kill and hunt lions, catch fish, and — the stories go — howl at the moon. With many local hunters mentioning an animal that looks something like a cross between a chimpanzee and a gorilla — an animal that apparently, according to the stories, is unaffected by poison darts, as the other apes are.

While you may be now making the assumption that such stories can’t possibly be true, you’d actually be wrong — a fair amount of research has gone into this subspecies of chimpanzee over the last few decades, and there is apparently quite a lot of truth to the stories.

Bili apes
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