Black Dragonfish, Barbeled Deep Sea Fish (+Arowana, Sea Moths, & Senegal Bichir)

March 4, 2015 in Animals & Insects

What exactly is a Dragonfish? Well… any number of different species/types of fish actually — from a strange bioluminescent deep sea fish (Black Dragonfish), to a weird sea dragon looking thing that pair-bonds for life (sea moths), to an eel looking fish that you can actually raise on land so long as you keep them moist (Senegal Bichir), to a freshwater fish species that looks, in many ways, unchanged from how it looked during the times of the dinosaurs (Arowana).

While the focus of this article will be on the (perhaps) most recognizable of these fish — the deep sea Black Dragonfish — an overview of the other “Dragonfish” fish species will be given as well. Enjoy.

Black dragonfish
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